What a lead in for the day, don’t you think? Read on.
Rubber hit the road at 6am and before we could adjust to the high speed traffic, we were on the Golden Gate Bridge. Little Joe’s hanging on for dear life, so am I. It takes about a half hour to get in the groove with heavy traffic. Oh well, next thing we knew we were paying $6 to get off the bridge. I thought they had that thing paid for long ago? There wasn’t much time for sightseeing, but iw as still pretty thrilling to be crossing so high over the water. I’ve included an internet photo to round out the experience.
Routing through San Francisco was an argument with technology. The GPS thought Highway 1 was a better choice and I wanted 101. A couple times it lured Big Blue up those incredible,steep San Francisco hills, but in the still early morning darkness, a few 101 signs and a little intuition got us headed south. And the header, NASA, what’s with that? Well, sailing down 101 at an elevated part, a NASA logo sign careened past at the South end of the Bay. I chose this route because it passes through all the high technology cities and companies that were the peak of electronics and computers when I was in my working prime. Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Menlo Park, NASA, to name but a few. It took me back 30 years as I read the signs driving by.
The rest of the journey wasn’t very eventful. A 400 mile day planned, and the miles flew by. A few areas of vineyards and tasting signs (sigh). A lot of brown rolling hills. Heavy smoke in one area from the forest fires (actuallly that was yesterday). The Golden Hills of California; know how it got it’s name? Thousands of square miles of dead grass.. But it was pretty. There was a choice to head over to Bakersfield or follow 101 to the end. Temperature forecasts in the 100’s in the central valley made the choice easy.
Passing through San Luis Obispo brought a noticeable change in everything. It suddenly looked like Southern California (as I know it). Palm trees, Spanish architecture in the buildings and homes, tree lined strees, sun and warmth. Just the feel of the world changed. We're a distance for LA but the look and feel is there. It stared out to be another fleece morning, off about noon, shirt sleeves rolling through Santa Barbara. The traffic here sure moves fast, although it’s probably just because of the grip Joe has on my neck.
A short ride to San Diego tomorrow to visit with Mary, a high school classmate and a friend since first grade.